Literal Values

Aurora has a few literal values that can be used in expressions.

String Literals

String literals are surrounded by double quotes ("), or backticks (`). There is also a shorthand syntax for string literals, which is the ' character followed by a single word. It does not have an end delimiter.

"Hello, world!" # A string literal
`Hello, world!` # Also a string literal
'hello # Shorthand syntax for string literals, known as a symbol in other languages

You can do string interpolation with the fmt operator. It takes a string, with expressions inside curly braces ({}).

name = "world"
print fmt"Hello, {name}!"

Number Literals

Number literals are pretty standard. They can be written in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary. They can also be written in scientific notation.

123 # Decimal
0x123 # Hexadecimal
0o123 # Octal
0b101 # Binary
1.23e2 # Scientific notation

Boolean Literals

Boolean literals are either true or false.


List Literals

List literals are surrounded by square brackets ([]). They can contain any number of values, separated by commas.

[1, 2, 3]

Map Literals

Map literals are surrounded by curly braces ({}). They can contain any number of key-value pairs, separated by commas, or newlines.

    foo -> 2, bar -> 4
    baz -> 6