
Variables in Aurora are defined using no keywords, but just the variable's name and its value.

a = 1

Variables can be reassigned.

a = 1
a = 2

Variables can be reassigned to a different type.

a = 1
a = "Hello, world!"

You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide variables.

a = 1
a += 1 # 2
a -= 1 # 1
a *= 2 # 2
a /= 2 # 1

Variables are scoped to the block they are defined in, or globally if defined at the top level.

a = 1
if true
    a = 2
print a # 2

    b = 1
print b # Error: b is not defined


Constants are denoted by an uppercase first letter.

A = 1

Constants cannot be reassigned.

A = 1
A = 2 # Error: A is a constant