
Maps are a type of collection that store key-value pairs. They are also known as dictionaries or associative arrays in other languages. In Aurora, maps are surrounded by curly braces ({}), and contain key-value pairs separated by commas or newlines.

    foo -> 2, bar -> 4
    baz -> 6

Maps can be accessed using either the : operator, or the :: operator.

m = {
    foo -> 2, bar -> 4
    baz -> 6
print m:"foo" # 2
print m::foo # 2

You can assign to a map index.

m = {
    foo -> 2, bar -> 4
    baz -> 6
m::foo = 3 # or m:"foo" = 3
print m # {foo -> 3, bar -> 4, baz -> 6}

See Map Functions for functions that operate on maps.